Match: Yeah, I know, she was like so surprised.

Pencil: Really?

Match: Oh, for sure! I mean, it wasn’t very big, just a little bug, but Flower went crazy!

Pencil: OMG, Flower is really afraid of bugs.

Match: Well, yeah. Flower thinks she’s so fabulous. Like the time she asked Icy if she was beautiful.

Flower: Ice Cube, don’t you think I look beautiful?

Ice Cube: Uh, no? Oh, oh! I remember that! I am SO gonna get revenge on her. I cannot believe how she thinks we will be her servants! I’m so glad you guys are my friends though. Really! Bubble likes me too… Right, Bubble? Right?

Bubble: Uh, um… Yeah?

Match & Pencil: No, Ice Cube! Stop! *pop*

Bubble: Pin, You nearly popped me!

Pin: Oh, it’s not my fault. It’s this stupid Blocky here. It’s his fault! Oof!

Blocky: Fine, I’ll get Needle.

Needle: Help!

Bubble: Yikes! What was that for?

Blocky: Hey, I’m just in the mood to hurt someone.

Woody: *scream*

Leafy: Woody, get up! There’s a life out there to enjoy, so, enjoy it!

Tennis Ball: Teardrop, calm down. Kicking Woody could severely injure him. He IS balsa.

Woody: *scream*

Eraser: I can’t believe what a scaredy-cat Woody is. He’s so uncool. Pen, though, you’re cool.

Pen: So are you, Eraser.

Snowball: Oof. Woah! Rocky, wake up!

Rocky: Wha? Hi SB

Snowball: *sigh*

Rocky: Whee! Oof! Hi, TB, my good-old friend!

Firey: Coiny! You’re so dumb! Hey!

Coiny: Oh my gosh, Firey, You’re so easy to slap. *slapping*

Golf Ball: Firey, Coiny, stop fighting! And Spongy, take a bath. You’re stinky.

Spongy: Sorry.

Blocky: Isn’t Golf Ball bossy?

Eraser: I know! She is like a bossy-bot. Uh, you know, a bossy robot? Well, a robot built to be its bossiest. I’d do anything to get away from her. Or Flower, or Woody, or Spongy.

Announcer: Well, then you’re in luck.

Eraser: Uh, how?.

Announcer: Well, everybody, they’re building the island of luxury. It’s called Dream Island. A whole square mile of paradise, a five-star hotel, a casino, six restaurants, robot servants, and the winner even gets to decide who gets to come in and who doesn’t.

Eraser: So, um, how much’ll it cost?

Announcer: Not even a penny.

Eraser: Then I’ll take it!

Announcer: But what about everybody else? They want it too, you know.

Eraser: Uh, I wouldn’t give up that island for anything.

Announcer: Neither would they. So we must settle this with a contest.


Announcer: So yes. Whoever stays on the bar the longest wins. 

Leafy: Let’s help each other.

Pin: Yeah!

Coiny: Blocky, wake up. What are you doing?

Spongy: Uh-oh.

Flower: Out of my way! I need my space!

Leafy: Help me, Pin! *Snatch!* Thanks.

Bubble: Let’s form an alliance.

Match: That would do no harm!

Pencil: Let’s do it!

Ice Cube: Wha? An alliance? I’ve got to join. Coming through! Sorry, Pen. Hey, guys! Can I be part- boom

Pencil: No.

Coiny: Blocky, come on. Wake up! Oops. Snatch!

Blocky: Coiny, don’t ever- Oops.

Show: *Yeah!*

Leafy: There’s the evil Flower. She’s still in.

Pin: Let’s run her over!

Leafy: Yeah!

Blocky: Uh-oh.

Pin: Hey, we’re flying!

Leafy: You’re right! Woo-hoo!

Pin: Uh-oh. Pull up!

Leafy: I can't! Oh, no! Blocky? Rocky? Help!

Blocky: What is it?

Leafy: You’re stepping on me.

Blocky: Better?

Leafy: Yes. Now pull us up.

Blocky: Woah!

Leafy: Ack! Teardrop, hold on to my other arm.

Flower: Ha, ha! I’m wearing non-slip shoes, so ha. Hey! Grr! *Snatch!*

Pin: Ack!

Flower: Huh, wha- Ew, oh my god!... *scream*

Leafy: Nice going, Pin. A job well done.

Pin: Teardrop, let’s swing. Yay.

Leafy: Pin, alliance, remember?

Pin: Oh yeah.

Blocky: Leafy, you’re stepping on me!

Leafy: Wha? Oops. 

Show: *Yeah!*

Leafy & Pin Rock, paper, scissors.

Pin: Scissors beats paper. I get to push you off.

Leafy: Wait, hold on a sec. We didn’t agree to that.

Pin: Look, when I win the island, I’ll let you onto the island.

Leafy: Pin, this still isn’t fair.

Pin: Only one of us can win.

Leafy: Um, Pin, wrong finger.

Pin: Whoops, heh heh. Anyway, still, only one of us can win.

Announcer: That’s where you’re wrong. The two of you both win.

Pin: Wait, we both get the island?

Announcer: Nope. You just get to choose the teams. The teams for a much larger, longer battle to win Dream Island.

Pin: Oh, great.

Leafy: It’s not that bad.