Leafy: Hmm… aha! Ice Cube! Come on down, you can be my ally.
Ice Cube: Thanks for picking me! Pencil wouldn’t let me into HER alliance.
Pin: Then *I* choose Pencil.
Leafy: Okay then… Who should I choose, Ice Cube?
Ice Cube: I dunno! It’s up to you!
Leafy: ‘Kay, then I’ll choose TD. The silent type, right? What! Don’t you, like, not talk?
Flower: Teardrop must be STUPID! She doesn’t even know how to talk yet.
Bubble: Flower. Be nice!
Flower: Snowball, you’re strong! Beat ‘er up! What? You won’t? What a wimp.
Snowball: That Flower is starting to REALLY get on my nerves!
Blocky: Oh! Flower! I’ll do it! I’ll beat her up!
Bubble: Uh-oh! No way! Not again!
Flower: Go Blocky!
Announcer: Okay, Pin’s turn.
Pencil: Say Bubble!
Pin: Bubble.
Bubble: Yeah!
Leafy: Hmmm. How about Needle?
Ice Cube: Oka-
Leafy: NEEDLE!
Needle: Yeah!
Pencil: Since Match is in OUR alliance, we choose her!
Match: Gasp! They remembered!
Announcer: Come on, people. Pick a boy.
Needle: How about Snowball?
Blocky: Ooo! They’re in LOVE.
Needle: No, Blocky! I like Coiny more.
Snowball: *gasp*
Coiny: *gasp*
Blocky: Did you just SAY that?
Needle: I didn’t mean to!
Pin: Pen, guys?
Match: Yeah.
Pin: Okay, Pen.
Snowball: Hnnn! HnnnNNNNnnn!
Leafy: Settle down! Now it’s time to pick someone else!
Snowball: Why don’t we pick Coiny since Needle likes him more!
Needle: Look! I’m sorry! Is it really that big of a deal?
Match: Firey! Get over here!
Pin: Hey! I didn’t approve of that-
Match: And what makes YOU the leader of the group?
Firey: Yeah, Match! You made a good choice!
Coiny: Yeah, right. As IF.
Needle: Okay! Who’s left?
Leafy: There’s always TB! He’s smart.
Announcer: Back to Pin’s team.
Pin: Hmmm. Uhhh… Well… Gee, hmmm. I don’t know… Hmm.
Announcer: Come on, Pin. Choose!
Pin: I don’t know! They’re all pretty bad. First of all, I wouldn’t choose Flower for obvious reasons. Eraser thinks he’s too cool to do anything. Blocky? No way. He’s got issues. Spongy is soooooo fat and smelly! Golf Ball? Too bossy.
Golf Ball: Speak to yourself, Pin!
Pin: Shush. Rocky? Seriously? He has no arms! And Woody is scared of everything!
Woody: *screaming nervously*
Pin: Sharp things, fire- ouch! Even Bubble!
Announcer: So then, who’ll it be?
Pin: Uhh, *sigh* Eraser is the least horrible, I guess.
Needle & Snowball & Tennis Ball & Leafy & Ice Cube: We choose Golf Ball!
Show: *1, 2, 3, 4, 5!*
Eraser & Pen: Blocky! Our friend!
Match: Aw, really.
Blocky: Yeah!
Tennis Ball: See, you know how Flower gets angry at everyone?
Needle: Uhm, I don’t like where this is going but yeah?
Tennis Ball: Well, if the other team gets her, she’ll become MORE of an enemy, right?
Needle: Y-yeah?
Tennis Ball: So it would just be common sense to choose her for OUR team.
Needle: Aw, seriously?
Tennis Ball: Yeh.
Golf Ball: I agree.
Coiny: See? I knew TB and GB had a crush on each other! TB! GB! Sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Golf Ball: Shut it, Coiny. I only like Tennis Ball in a platonic way!
Announcer: Back to Pin’s team.
Blocky: Well, we definitely don’t wanna pick SPOOONGY!
Match: What was THAT for?
Show: *1, 2*
Leafy: Oh, uhh, sorry, Woody, I choose Rocky.
Pin: Oh no! WwwwwWWW! WwwWWwwwwOOOOOoody! BbbBLEH!
Announcer: Okay. Teams are settled, then. Now, teams. Choose your team name.
Everyone: *indistinct chatter*
Announcer: Come on! Just choose.
Everyone: *more indistinct chatter *
Announcer: Okay, then. I’ll choose. Pin’s team, you’ll be called the Squishy Cherries.
Blocky: Aw, come on!
Announcer: And Leafy’s team, you are the Squashy Grapes. The first contest is to build a boat, get in it, and row it across the Goiky Canal. If you are the first to cross the line, your team wins. The other team loses, and one of their members gets kicked out of the game. continued indistinct chatter
Golf Ball: Guys, I have a plan. They’re letting us use stuff from the pile of junk. We can use this generator to power the motor and the… *indistinct chatter drowns out her plan*
Golf Ball: Hey, hey? Are you even listening to me?
Snowball: Hey! Of course not! We’re not using your plan! It’s too confusing to work.
Golf Ball: I don’t care what you say; I’m still trying!
Snowball: I could push you off if I wanted to!
Golf Ball: You’re lying! You wouldn’t do that! Your tiny teeny-tiny little brain wouldn’t allow such insanity!
Snowball: rrrRRR RRRRRR
Golf Ball: scream
Show: *ding ding ding ding ding ding ding* - *collective scream*
Snowball: Uh-oh!
Pin: Be more careful!
Eraser: Yeeeowwwwch!
Show: *bew bew bew bew*
Bubble: Pretty boxy, but okay!
Leafy: Yeah!
Flower: I’m waiting for that yacht.
Leafy: Yeah!
Blocky: THESE are our oars?
Pen: Cool! I’m an oar!
Bubble: Let’s get in!
Leafy: Motor!
Flower: Still waiting.
Needle: We are SO going to win!
Coiny: Flower! Your yacht is drifting away!
Flower: I’m not gonna JUMP onto IT.
Leafy: I feel bad.
Coiny: Well, oh well. I’m starting the motor.
Tennis Ball: Whoa whoaaaa!
Match: loud breathing Don’t keep me under water for thirty seconds!
Show: *bite*
Blocky: *scream*
Show *chomp*
Firey: Yeah! Stay there! We need a plug!
Everyone: *scream*
Show: *thump* - *noises*
Ice Cube: I’m scared!
Coiny: Uh, Icy and Leafy? Hate to break it to ya, but we just passed right by the finish line.
Ice Cube: Look out! A tree!
Leafy: WhAAAaaaAT?
Everyone: *scream*
Coiny: Oh this is just great!
Everyone: *scream*
Pin: There’s too much weight on this sinking boat! We have to throw someone overboard!
Spongy: Uh-oh!
Pen: Buh! Hhh. Huh? Guys, guys! The finish! It’s just twenty-or-so yards away! We can swim there!
Firey: But I can’t swim!
Pencil: Come on, Match! Come swim with us!
Match: I can’t! I have no energy left.
Everyone: *indistinct chatter*
Match: Hey! I hear voices! Hey! It’s Tennis Ball and Snowball and Needle and Rocky and Teardrop! Uh, all floating on Spongy.
Coiny: People! The other team is also getting close!
Bubble: Huh? Wha? Pin! Slow down!
Leafy: Whoa!
Coiny: Whoa, whaaoo!
Show: *stretching noise* - *thump*
Ice Cube: aaAAAaa!
Show: poke
Announcer: And Pin’s team, the Squishy Cherries, win. Which means one of the Squashy Grapes is going home. It’s time for you viewers out there to decide. Here are the people on the Squashy Grapes team. Needle, Rocky, Teardrop, Leafy, Flower, and Golf Ball, Coiny, Ice Cube, and Tennis Ball. Who’ll leave first on BFDI? I don’t know. But it’s up to you guys to decide.
Match: Uh, we should get back now.