Announcer: Guys, it is time for Cake at Stake.
Firey: Already? Really?
Announcer: Um, why not? But first, we have to get… Pen & Woody & Eraser & Golf Ball & Leafy & Coiny & Rocky & Match & Spongy & Tennis Ball & Blocky & Pencil & Pen & Snowball & Bubble. This time it’s the Squishy Cherries who lost. Let’s do Cake at Stake.
Show: Da-da-da-da-da-da Cake at Stake!
Announcer: Okay, let’s count the votes. Wait, that doesn’t seem right. Ah, there we go! It was the first time that digit was used. We weren’t sure if it would work. See, there are ten contestants on the Cherry team, but only nine slices of cake, which is now key lime pie.
Pin: I really, really, REALLY do not like key lime pie.
Match: Yeah, um, neither do I. Can we change it?
Announcer: No, gosh. And you don’t even have to eat it.
Match: Yeah. Like, get a, like, chocolate cake next time we’re here.
Firey: Ooh, I love chocolate!
Pencil: Hey, me too! I also love ice cream cake!
Bubble: Oh, my bubble blower, that’s so delish!
Announcer: Shush, sheesh! Let’s get on with it. So, if you get no cake, you leave BFDI. Pin, you have a Win Token. Would you like to use it now?
Pin: Uh, no. I mean, there’s nothing mean I did that I can think of that would make people want to vote me. It’s this stupid Blocky here. It’s his fault! I get to push you off! I don’t know! They’re all pretty bad. BLEGH! There’s too much weight on this sinking boat! We have to throw someone overboard!
Spongy: Uh-oh!
Pin: Alliance, shmalliance. Go, GO!
Announcer: Okay, then. No Win Token for you. So first I will say who has zero votes. Eraser.
Match: EUGH!
Eraser: What? All cake is good cake!
Announcer: Also at zero votes…they’re all girls.
Match: Yeah!
Announcer: Except Match.
Match: Hey!
Pin: Here. You want?
Announcer: Now, people, the rest of you all had at least one vote. Pen, who is supposedly boring, is at one vote. Firey, you too.
Firey: Whoa!
Announcer: Match, no need to worry. You, too, are at one vote. It’s nearing down to three people. Blocky… Spongy… and Woody. Now I will call out who else is safe. At two votes is-
Pen: It’s got to be Blocky.
Announcer: Uh, sure. Yeah, Blocky. Spongy.
Announcer: -is eliminated at four votes.
Woody: Ahh…
Announcer: So we have to send him to the TLC. Our sender troop thrower has not been tested, but I’ll use it.
Announcer: The third contest is a test of memory and basic knowledge. It has twenty questions. The team that gets the higher total score wins. The highest-scoring contestant receives a Win Token. Oh, and Grapes, an Ice Cube Recovery Center Creator is currently producing an Ice Cube Recovery Center. However, it’s quite slow. Go.
Golf Ball: Do da-do do, do da-do!
Pencil: Hey, it’s me!
Match: Whoa! You’re so right.
Snowball: This is so stupid! How am I supposed to know this?!
Pin: Good, good. Oh no! Woody! Don’t tell me you have testophobia! That is not permitted, and you shall suffer the consequences!
Announcer: Do-do do-do, do do-do.
Tennis Ball: Rocky, you have to learn how to write. GB and I know how to. No arms is no excuse!
Rocky: HMPH!
Tennis Ball: Ha-ha. You think a tiny kick like that would do anything? Wait! I can’t stop!
Snowball: GRRRR!
Pencil: Yikes!
Bubble: Hmmm…
Leafy: Twenty minutes left. Needy, do you think non-existent Icy is mad at me?
Needle: Don’t call me Needy! But no!
Match: So how’s it going on the te-
Pencil: Just drew a little doodle!
Coiny: Whoa, whoooah! Uff!
Firey: Hah-hah!
Blocky: Guess what, guys? I found the test answers!
Eraser: High-five! AAAAAHHHHH!
Pen: Um… no high-fives for me, thanks.
Match: Look, Pence-Pence! I got a mini match, too! We can pretend they’re us.
Pencil: Oh, absolutely COOLIO!
Match: Let’s play Spongy Cake. One, two, three, four. Who do we not adore?
Pencil: Wait, um…
Match: Spongy! Spongy!
Pencil: Match? Uh…
Match: Five, six, seven, eight.
Pencil: Match? I-I don’t think that’s…
Match: Who do we hate?
Pencil: Uh, Match, you should STOP!
Match: Spongy! Spongy! Nine, ten, and then ele-
Pencil: Thanks an octodecillion, Match! Now our stupid tests are stupidly on stupid fire!
Tennis Ball: AAAH! Can’t stop, can’t stop! OOWWWWWWWCH!!
Pin: Go in, you Tennis Ball! You fall, you go IN!
Blocky: Hey, me being made out of wood… I do not like fire! I’ve gotta KILL IT!
Ice Cube: Ah, it’s great to be al- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!
Blocky: I didn’t do it!
Bubble: Hi, guys!
Match: We’re GIRLS!
Pencil: Match! How could you kill your own friend?!
Bubble: Don’t blame her! Killing me is as easy as one, two, thre-
Pencil: I just learned two things about Bubble: she can be suicidal, and she’s so dumb that she doesn’t know how to count to three!
Leafy: Needle, you’re back!
Pin: It’s raining!
Firey: WHA?! A Teardrop family reunion?! NOOO!
Pen: Yeah! It’s out!
Blocky: Now all we have to do is copy down the answers.
Pen: Ooh, risky!
Pencil: Okay, Match. Since we know how dumb Bubble is, we should rip up her test since we know she’ll fail.
Snowball: GRR!
Golf Ball: Done. Rocky, you haven’t started? You don’t know how to write, do you?
Announcer: Boop. Time’s up. Turn in your tests. Hmm, I did not receive a test from… Needle, Woody, Firey, Leafy, Match, Pencil, Bubble, Tennis Ball, Coiny, Eraser, Ice Cube, or Snowball. But for the ones I did get, here are the totals. The Squishy Cherries, with exactly twenty more points, win.
Golf Ball: Gr!
Announcer: Let me double check with my test an- Wait, where are the test answers? Blocky and Pen, you two obviously cheated. Your scores will be set to zero. Ironically, now the Squashy Grapes, with exactly twenty more points, win. So the Cherries lose, and one of them goes home. And Golf Ball wins the Win Token. Which one? It is your turn to vote.
Tennis Ball: Um, guys? I have to go to the bathroom!